"Advice dedicated to young and future parents on buying their YOYO stroller"

The guide
to YOYO Stroller Accessories

“I’m sharing my thoughts on various accessories from the Babyzen brand that I’ve been using for the past 3 years”

All YOYO Babyzen stroller accessories

My Thoughts on YOYO Accessories
for Winter

Whether it’s for the cold or the rain, here’s my list of essential stroller accessories for winter.

I live in France, in Brittany, and I can guarantee that these accessories have been a lifesaver for my stroller travels.

My Thoughts on YOYO Accessories
for Summer

After the rain comes sunshine ;).

Yes, even in Brittany, the summer is very enjoyable.

Perfect for lovely strolls with the children.

Here’s my list of stroller accessories for summer.

My Selection of
Unofficial but Essential YOYO Accessories

Yes, because the Babyzen brand doesn’t yet offer all the products we need in our daily lives.

Here’s my list of universal stroller accessories – the ones I use every day that aren’t part of the YOYO range.”