"Advice dedicated to young and future parents on buying their YOYO stroller"

YOYO Bag Babyzen

YOYO Babyzen bag sac

Believe me from my experience, we never have enough space or storage everywhere (home, car, and even the stroller). Although the Babyzen stroller is very well optimized, it quickly becomes overrun by your child’s toys, his changing gear, and your own belongings. If you already have the cup holder on your YOYO stroller but you […]

YOYO Babyzen Stroller Bag

YOYO Bag of the Babyzen stroller

Yes, you read the page title correctly. The YOYO stroller is so lightweight, maneuverable, and adaptable that it fits into a stroller bag! Yes, indeed, it’s a backpack because you can carry your stroller on your back. Admit it, it’s not common for a stroller. Imagine the surprise on people’s faces when they see you […]

YOYO Babyzen Stroller Wheels

Awarding wheels for the YOYO Babyzen stroller

Despite being extremely robust, the wheels of the YOYO stroller are not indestructible. As they are always in contact with other rigid elements, they can wear out over time and, in the case of a significant impact, fracture. Personally, I have never had to change any of the wheels on my two YOYOs despite numerous […]

YOYO Babyzen Footrest

Foot rest for YOYO Babyzen stroller

The YOYO stroller is already very comfortable, but how can we make it even more comfortable for our children? Which parent hasn’t experienced the frustration of their child during long walks because they’re not sitting comfortably? You know, when they start kicking their legs in the stroller 😉 Well, I’m here to tell you that […]

My Review of the YOYO Connect Double Stroller

YOYO Babyzen Double Connect stroller

If you’re reading this review, you either have or are planning to have children close in age or even twins. You already own a YOYO stroller or are considering purchasing one, but is there a YOYO double stroller? A double stroller for both your children? Fortunately, our favorite stroller brand has created the YOYO Connect […]

YOYO Color Pack

6+ color pack for YOYO Babyzen stroller

I’ve never changed the color for my two YOYOs, but I know that color packs are available to change the color of your YOYO’s fabrics. And it’s only the fabric color because if you want to change the color of the frame, also called chassis, then you need to purchase another YOYO frame. To assist […]

YOYO Babyzen Adapters

YOYO Babyzen stroller adapter

I’ll admit, it’s not easy to navigate through all the adapters compatible with the Babyzen YOYO stroller. Some are used for a car seat, others for the infant carrier, and still others for accessories and modular elements of the stroller. Even on the Babyzen website, it’s not very clear regarding the packs and what they […]

YOYO Babyzen Double Stroller Connector

YOYO Babyzen double stroller connector side by side

You’re expecting your second child and already own a YOYO stroller for your first one. Moreover, your first child still enjoys riding in their YOYO. How can you manage with a double stroller? Is the YOYO Connect your only option? The answer is no 😉 there’s indeed a better alternative, which I personally use. Here’s […]

YOYO Babyzen Stroller Board

YOYO Babyzen Board stroller

If you’re reading this review, it’s because you are or are about to become parents for the second time. Congratulations to you. But you’re wondering, “How will we manage with our two children during outings and other travels?” Should we buy another YOYO stroller? Or is there a solution? Fortunately, our favorite stroller brand has […]